René Descartes - Project Patron
René could have been just another rescued animal, in need of treatment, affection, affection and someone to call family, but this was not just another rescue and he was not just another dog.
Since 2018, when rescued, it was found in his clinical picture a Nasal Adenocarcinoma, requiring daily medication, chemotherapy and surgery. His adoption at every step seemed more unlikely, but that animal so full of life, so full of love, deserved much more.
It was then that, what seemed so distant, in the end was closer than imagined. Everything he needed was already there, every day, it just hadn't been made official. René continued to attend adoption events, but not looking for a home, it was just a walk.
His mother, Geniara, precursor of the Animal Essence project and responsible for his rescue, his family were all volunteers who mobilized to seek resources to maintain their treatment and his home was wherever he was, as he was always involved in affection. The concern for him moved so many people that in the end they all became one.
In this period he returned the best possible way: hugs, joy and much learning to everyone who crossed his path. We learn that every life is important. We learn to overcome ourselves, to double goals achieved, to fight even more for our goals and most importantly, never give up.
René's internal struggle with his health problems came to an end on May 24, 2019, when our angel became a star, watching over us and undoubtedly watching over the project. He knows how much it changed his life and how much he changed our life and more than ever we want to change the lives of all the Renés who come daily on our way.
Death is the only certainty of life and despite that we are never really prepared to face it head on. To lose an animal is to know that a piece has been lost, a story. Regardless of the sadness and eventual losses, what continues to move us is the feeling of joy that we see in the eyes of animals that find a home.
Love is never giving up a mission ... René our great master in the art of loving !!!